Student and Public Resources

Linked below are non-exhaustive lists that I have compiled over the past several years of resources for students, or anyone else who might be interested in environmental sociology, politics, political economy, visual sociology, and more. This is by no means exhaustive and is meant to be an aggregation point for the materials that I often use in my teaching, publishing, and mentoring. Additionally, I have had many colleagues ask me to give advice about journals, and so, I have listed some of the journals I often look to for inspiration and as potential outlets for my own research and writing. These are resources that I have found to be accessible in terms of the intellectual components and many are open-access. I hope there can be something interesting and inspiring here for you!


Websites and Blogs




Favorite Articles

-If you can’t find a pdf of any of the below, email me, [or better yet, the author] and I will send it to you. However, many are hyperlinked to the pdf for your convenience. This list is ongoing and it exists in no particular order. Many of these articles are not particularly heavily cited. It occurred to me that these are some of my “favorites,” not because I write in these subfields, know these scholars, or even cite these authors very much, but because I have bothered to keep hardcopies, notate them, lose them and reprint them only to discover an old copy under a pile of other articles, and often refer to them when I am trying to write my own articles and chapters. When I bothered to ask myself why I was doing this, I realized that these pieces have the double advantage of speaking to a substantive issue in the social sciences as much as to the craft of writing research. They are a source of inspiration and what I wish I could see and read more of, and so I hope they might be helpful to you as well.

Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals

Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals that (generally) consider unsolicited Book Reviews and Various Essay Formats


Teaching and Mentoring Philosophy